Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Life in 8/3/10

-Early Morning-

wake up liao??? very me can't slp oso...keep thinking a ppl...haha...can't slp jiu pei my younger bro n sis go to schul go 4 wat leh??go to help my sis take bag lor...haha..coz she oly standard one mah...dwn bully her neh...after tat jiu cum back liao lor...cum bek liao of course can't slp oso de jau ply fb again lor...hehe...b4 hv ppl ask me why so like ply fb me juz say dunno...zhadao..==!me oso hv upload some new pictures all oso very ugly de lar...dwn see liao go to toilet vomit neh..if like tat me will hurt dao de o...hehe..xP...after ply jiu wan study liao de me jau continue study lor...when i was mum ask me go to mop floor wor..then me jiu go lor..coz tis is an order mah..when me mop..she say tis nt gud..tat do wrong liao..gv her zhadao lar..TT..after tat me jiu continue study again lor..until me go to bath n eat..after tat me jiu go to schul liao..haha..very simply nia..xD


me go to schul at 12:20 p.m. coz my mum fever today..when me reach oso go to kaunseling room de lar..biasa nia..when me go inside..waa~no ppl wor..oni wei xan plying me ask her where r they going liao..she said them go out to me jau go down c wat fren cum liao lor..luckily i ask poh yi go to schul early..if nt me jiu going alone again..TT..then we decide go to cantin do revision de..when me go in the cantinjau c dao a ppl..tat ppl always trick me de lor..until prefect cum to halau ppl..n me jau go to kaunseling room again..wasai..jia xun them eat dao dunno wan hw to cum bek schul liao ah..haha..^^!..after awhile they cum bek jor..then we jiu go lto dewan liao..after hear Cik Mok say say say..say our hair de lor..hear dao very siez liao..after tat we jiu go bek classroom..xP

we go inside classroom liao jau sei lor..coz straight exam liao..nw is still ok ltr science sure will die geh..haha..xP..after 2 hours jiu collect paper then recess liao..after recessjiu go bek classroom lor..go bek wan do revision again wor..aiyo..very sienz de me wan go to kaunseling room me haven't reach there jiu wan help them take result slip go to office..zhadao..==!..then jia xun say tomoro hv a meeting at kaunseling we go to inform aother class de PRS together lor..after tat jiu go bek classroom liao..until 5:00 p.m. jau start exam science very weak de mah..sure dunno de lor..when me see the paper..walao..reli very difficult leh..haiz..tis time sure failed liao de lor..TT..then jau go bek home liao..xD

-Early Nite-

cum bek liao jiu bath n eat lor..after tat jau wan study again luckily tomoro is the last day for exam..if nt jiu wan gila liao..TT


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